Win At Life: Conversations about Disability awesomeness in awareness
Win At Life: Conversations about Disability awesomeness in awareness
Welcome to Win At life conversations about being awesome with a disability and raising awareness at the same time and absolutely Yes sometimes you have to say F…..CK you to your own mindset and especially your disability!

E: 26 S: Win Charles interviews Darren Elliott about being abused

S18 E26 • Jun 9, 2024 • 64 mins

This episode begins with a mix-up of the podcast name, followed by a discussion on a host's back injury and brief hiatus. Recognition of pride months for LGBTQ+ and disability is highlighted. Guest Dale shares his upbringing, family dynamics, and social reactions to disability. The importance of visibility, vulnerability, and understanding is emphasized. Dale talks about his friend with CP and communication challenges. Closing thoughts include resources for LGBTQ+ allies.

Key Points

  • Disability pride and LGBTQ+ pride are both crucial to acknowledging and celebrating diverse identities and experiences.
  • Being seen and understood, especially for those with disabilities or who identify as LGBTQ+, is vital for fostering a sense of belonging and self-worth.
  • The importance of kindness and human connection in healthcare and everyday interactions cannot be overstated, as it significantly impacts both physical and emotional well-being.
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